First signs of early Parkinson’s disease

According to statistics, Parkinson’s disease is a disorder that affects mainly 60 years old and older people, but there is a particular case which is called early Parkinson’s, which appears in individuals approximately at age of 50 years old, due to possible mutations of specific genes, such as the “parkin” gene.

According to specialists in medicine, those who have one or more relatives with the disease are obviously more likely to develop it early. Even so, the percentage of risk remains from 2% to 5%, unless in the family group there are genetic mutations determined for the pathology.

Only in certain circumstances, signs of Parkinson’s disease may occur after age of 20 years old but if so, the disorder is known as juvenile Parkinsonism, which usually begins with some symptoms such as bradykinesia and dystonia and improves with the intake of levodopa. This is also a way to examine if the disease the person is suffering from could be Parkinson’s disease.

Obviously, although it has many similarities with late onset Parkinson’s. The negative impacts on social life, work and the family’s life are unfortunately pretty similar.

This is why it is essential to ask a specialist for advise when you see warning signs. You should follow his recommendations and try to limit the consequences, the symptoms and the degenerative process.

It is also necessary to consider that the earlier the problem starts, the affected person must ingest for a longer time the levadopa, which brings side effects for health.

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Possible side effects could be for example nausea, loss of appetite or dykonisea.

This is the reason why many experts advise the search for alternative treatments, such as auricular implantology, to reduce the strength of the symptoms in a natural way by which many people can reduce also their medicine. Advanced auriculotherapy as it is known is the best known in this field because it has no side effects and is not risky.

Initial Symptoms of early Parkinson’s disease

When talking about Parkinson’s disease, we relate it to the image of an elderly person who walks with his back slightly bent, with difficulties to move. Someone who has hand tremors and suffers from stiffness in the body.

But did you know that there is also a type of early Parkinson’s disease? There are patients that notice their disorder at the age of 20 years. Due to mutations of specific genes, such as the parkin gene, younger people can develop Parkinson’s disease too.

Furthermore motor symptoms are not the only ones that prevail in the disorder. There is a wide range of first signs of Parkinson’s disease that can help to detect health problems. The initial symptoms which can help to detect the disease are related to cognitive, emotional and behavioral changes. Nevertheless it is important to talk to a medical doctor when noticing all or some of the above mentioned changes.

These are the most common warning signs that can detect early Parkinson’s disease. Friends and family members can also help to find out what is happening:

  • Sleep disorder: insomnia, sleep behavior disorder and Restless Legs Syndrome.
  • Depression: very common, early indicator of pathology and is one of the first to manifest itself
  • Other changes in mood: anxiety and apathy, which generate difficulties in seeking solutions and help.
  • Tremor: often it starts in hands, but it is also possible that it is reflected in the jaw or feet
  • Cognitive alternations: difficulties in performing certain tasks at the same time, slowing down thinking, memory problems and concentration, even dementia among others
  • Bradykinesia: loss of spontaneous movement. Each step is slower and can be even frustrating
  • Fatigue: in early Parkinson’s there is often the feeling that a person has no strength, no motivation to do anything
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The scenario is quite worrying, but experts have put their hopes on medical advances and the results obtained in complementary, alternative therapies, such as advanced auriculotherapy. There is no definite cure for early Parkinson’s but there are ways to win the battle against disabling symptoms and improve the patient’s quality of life.