
The motor and non-motor symptoms present in Parkinson’s disease sometimes lead to a sedentary lifestyle, because of the difficulty of movement.
Today we are going to talk about such method of health improvement, as acupuncture, and in particular, permanent auriculotherapy (ear acupuncture).
People with restless legs syndrome have uncomfortable sensations in their legs and an irresistible urge to move their legs to relieve the sensations.
According to statistics, Parkinson’s disease is a disorder that affects mainly 60 years old and older people.
It starts with a person not being able to remember a recent event, travel out of the neighbourhood, remember appointments or a conversation they had not long ago.
Dyskinesia or motor fluctuation refers to involuntary swaying movement of the body, including rapid jerking, twitching and twisting movements.
Due to the increasing lack of medical care and the economy, it is worth considering what led to such a catastrophe?
Many people do not feel there is a relationship, statistics and numbers show us otherwise. We will talk about how we can be affected.
«Nerve cells do not regenerate.» We have heard this expression many times and are used to believing it.
Maintaining strong defenses is essential to be well protected against all kinds of diseases. Today, we will tell you about vitamins to boost your defenses in winter.
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