Parkinson’s disease

The motor and non-motor symptoms present in Parkinson’s disease sometimes lead to a sedentary lifestyle, because of the difficulty of movement.
According to statistics, Parkinson’s disease is a disorder that affects mainly 60 years old and older people.
Dyskinesia or motor fluctuation refers to involuntary swaying movement of the body, including rapid jerking, twitching and twisting movements.
Many people do not feel there is a relationship, statistics and numbers show us otherwise. We will talk about how we can be affected.
A patient care plan will help not only nurses and doctors, but will also be useful to everyone who cares for a seriously ill person in the hospital and at home.
Parkinsonism is associated with decreased levels of dopamine in the brain, leading to impaired movement control and other characteristic symptoms.
What should you not do if you have Parkinson's? This issue occupies an important place in the lives of those who face this neurodegenerative disease.
The issue of treating Parkinson's disease is becoming increasingly relevant as the number of people suffering from this chronic neurodegenerative disease increases.
Is it possible to be completely cured of Parkinson's disease? This question worries many who are faced with this neurodegenerative disease or have a loved one suffering from it.
Today we would like to share with you information about Parkinson's and modern methods of treatment aimed at stopping the progression of this disease.
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