Sedentary lifestyle in patients with Parkinson’s disease

The motor and non-motor symptoms present in Parkinson’s disease sometimes lead to a sedentary lifestyle, because of the difficulty of movement, because of the apathy and even depression to which this disease can lead.

The benefits of physical exercise are indisputable, although it is true that in the case of patients with Parkinson’s disease, moderate activity is recommended to avoid falls and overloads.

If we take into account that sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise can accelerate the aging of our cells, there is no excuse at any age to activate us and try to introduce at least 30 minutes of daily exercise. This will have a very positive impact even more on people with Parkinson’s disease.

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of California in San Diego (United States) carried out a study that affirmed that the cells of the elderly women who were sitting for more than ten hours a day were biologically eight years older than their chronological age.

Therefore, it is recommended that half an hour of exercise even in people of 80 years and this general recommendation is reinforced when the patient suffers diseases such as Parkinson’s since this activity will achieve not only a physical improvement but also mentally.

The sedentary lifestyle can aggravate the motor symptoms and worsen the mood, causing the affected person to enter a spiral that gradually undermines their health at all levels and, therefore, their well-being.

Regularity in physical activity in Parkinson’s disease

Regularity is important, that means, that exercise should be done   daily and become a habit.

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By physical exercise we should not understand only practice a sport or go to a gym. Taking a walk would be a highly recommended activity, even beyond the Parkinson’s disease for better cardiovascular health.

Doing some domestic tasks, in addition to exercising muscles and bones, will serve to make the patient feel more useful, reinforcing even the self-esteem of the affected person.

In our Neuro-regenerative Medicine YouTube channel you will also find videos with simple exercises to do at home.